Wednesday, 9 September 2015

The Blind Girl. A Tear Jerker!

The Blind Girl!  
What A Story!!  
(A tearjerker)  
There was once a girl, her name was Chana and she was blind, Chana was already of age and was looking for a shudduch, as you can imagine that's not a simple task. She went out with this boy named Chaim and they fell madly in love with each other and they got married. Chaim took very good care of her. 
One day they were listening to the radio and they heard something about this 1 doctor in the United States that was able to do eye transplants. Chana was so excited! She said to Chaim "eye transplants! If I can get eye transplants then I can see and I've never been able to see my whole life! It would be amazing" how can we do it?!"
So Chaim researched it and he got his name on a list just like they have for heart transplants but for eyes for his beatific chana, problem was they got an answer that there is a 20 year wait because their are very few people that donate their eyes. "20 years? Okay" Chana said. Chaim saw his wife was very broken.

Around a month later he comes into the house and says "Chanala it's a Miracle! For whatever reason they pushed us up to the top of the list! You're next!! They found a donor for you, I'm gonna take you to the hospital and were gonna get you that eye transplant!"
Wow chana said, she didn't ask what he did or how he did it, she's gonna get eyes! So the day before the operation their sitting in the room and Chaim turns to Chana and says "Chana I just have to tell you something that you don't know since were married. Not only are you blind, i'm also blind but I never wanted you to know that, I never wanted you to pity me, I was wanted to be there for you so I want you to have this eye transplant. I'll get one too but I want you to have this one, but I'm just saying this so when you get your eyes don't be shocked to see that I'm blind." She starts crying, "I can't believe you love me so much , you could've got the eye transplant and I could've waited" and she just expressed how she loves him very much.

The next day they did the transplant, and it worked. And for 5 days her eyes were taped and the tape is taken off and day by day little by little she's getting her eye sight back. And she saw that her husband was blind and she said ok, he took care of me now I'll take care of him. She thought that's how it was gonna be. But what happened was, this was the first time she was able to see, she was able to see people, colors, the world! The marriage began to dissolve. Always schlepping him around, her not being able to go skiing because he can't go skiing and not being able to go see the world because he can't go. It began to drive a rift between the Two of them until finally the marriage was just not working. She didn't have the heart to talk to him in person so she called him one day and said "chaim, it's just not working anymore. I can't live with you anymore, I want a divorce." Chaim was shocked, he couldn't believe it and chana said "Chaim, I want to be married to someone who can see, someone who can see the world, I want a different life"so Chaim said "I can't really say I understand but if that's what you want then I respect it and will go to bes din, I'll pack up and be out of the house tonight" she said " I'm really really sorry but I just have to do this.

So he packed up his stuff and left. That night she came home, all his stuff was gone and there on her bed was a letter that Chaim had written;

"Dear chana,
 I really really love you and I always loved you, I respect your decision to leave me but I have one big favor to ask you and that favor is, take care of those eyes because not long ago they were mine.
Love, Chaim."

Yeah, there was no more 20 year wait because Chaim had given her his eyes.
Guys were sitting here tonightright before slichos and rosh hashana, there's a Pasuk in the torah In bereishis, the Pasuk says
"Vayitzar hashem elokim es hadam uful min hadama"
God created man, dirt from the earth
"Vayipach l'apog nishmas chaim"
And god blew into every one of us, life, a soul, gd gave us a transplant, he gave us his soul. And what do we do? What do we do with that holy soul? We tell Hashem oh thanks the soul is great and all but I gotta go see the world! I gotta be busy with my phone and busy with everything else but you! But Hashem gave us these eyes! He gave us this soul. And on rosh hashana and tonite by slichos Hashem tells us take care of that neshama because that neshama was once mine.
We need to look into ourselves tonight and say do we take care of those eyes that God gave us? Or are we like chana who so busy looking at everything in the World that we don't realize where life comes from! We don't realize that life comes from hakadosh barachu!! Rosh hashana and Yom Kippur is no joke, slichos is no joke. Tonight we begin cry and say I'm sorry! I can't believe what I did! You gave me your eyes and I use them to look at things I'm not supposed to, you gave me your feet and I walk to the wrong things, you gave me your mouth and I say the wrong things! You gave me the ability to eat and I didn't make a Bracha! Every part of me you gave me I abused!! And Hashem writes to us a little card on Rosh Hashana,
What you're doing and you did and whatever you're doing your doing but that soul you carry around, take care of it because that was once mine.
If you're able to listen to all the Tekiyas and change what's inside your soul then iyh will all be zocheh this year to hear that final Tekiah Gedolah we've been waiting for! Moshiach!

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