I heard a beautiful story today about Rav Wosner. Rav Shmuel Wosner was the posek hadar, the one who rendered the most difficult and complex shailos, the questions that came his way. One day, a young couple that is engaged walked into his office. They had a very difficult shailah. The shailah was as follows:
The chosson was not feeling well. Nebach, after taking a number of tests, he was diagnosed with the machlah, cancer. He decided that he was going to break the engagement. He went to the kallah together with his parents and informed her that the engagement was off because he didn't want her to have to live with such a difficult prognosis and such a difficult nisayon. But she said, "Absolutely not, this is my lot. And the fact that you got sick after we got engaged means that this is my tzarah as well". She refused to allow him to break the engagement. Well, when they were about to leave, they asked Rav Wosner what they should do. He said, "If this is the dedication that you have for one another, then you can and should stay engaged". B"H, he had a refuah shleima, but before they left they asked Rav Wosner if he could give them a bracha. She specifically said, "Being that I am staying engaged can you please give me a bracha that my chosson should get better". Rav Wosner was crying and he said, "I will give you a bracha on one condition, that you give me a bracha as well". Such a young lady, who is willing to embrace a nisayon, I want a bracha from you as well.
B"H the couple had a beautiful life together and continues to have a wonderful family. Let's realize that sometimes when difficult things come our way, that is our nisayon. And we we have been chosen because we can handle it. Have a great day.