Wednesday 30 December 2015

Labor Of Love

My mother gave me some sage advice when I got married, which I'm sure you've all heard before, but she said it in a way that I had never heard it before. She said that marriage is called a 'labor of love' not because it is laborious to love the other, but because all of the labor that we do for one another must be done with love...over and over again. It is in the little things. "Like the way you give him tea," she said. "Don't just plop it down in front of him...set it down lovingly and say, 'Hey sweetie - here is your tea.'"
I see praying to G-d in a similar light. I must labor to beg him with the utmost sincerity and love over and over again for the same thing - which, as in a marriage, can become mundane. The 'labor' is in making it fresh and real and meaningful.
Every. Single. Time.
Jodi Sugar quoting Rivka Pesha. (Jodi's website is

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