Tuesday 18 August 2015

How A Son From Lakewood, Returns

A Boy Tells A Story That Happened To Him
I  had my own experiences in life. Growing up in a small jewish  Orthodox town Lakewood NJ. I was raised by loving and caring parents that always wanted the best for me and were constantly involved in helping others. Unfortunately just like any other teenager I had thought that I was capable of making my own decisions and that I knew what was best for me. I also didnt like taking direction from my parents and over time things escalated to the point that I ended up leaving home at a very young age when I was only 15. I ended up getting involved with drugs and alcohol. In the beginning life was fun and full of partying. All my emotional pain had disappeared. I had always wanted to be accepted by the cool kids and now I had finally felt accepted. Slowly my addiction had progressed and my drug use had started to become fun with a little bit of problems such as not being able to hold a job, relationships weren't lasting very long, people stop trusting me etc. It kept progressing untill it had become mostly problems with a little bit of fun. I had kept letting down the people from the community that had kept trying to help me by offering me a place to live, setting me up with work, and by being there for me emotionally. I had hurt the ones that were close to me since they were the only ones still around. After I had gone to my first rehab when I was 17 only for me to relapse as soon as I had gotten out had made people wonder if I really wanted to help myself. At that point my life had become only problems. I eventually ended up homeless and lived in youth centers as well as on the streets for 3 years. I was torn I couldn't believe were my life has ended up. I was a fun smart joyful kid that had lots of friends growing up and now I was pan handling for change so I can get something to eat with the only things that I had owned were the clothes that were on my back. After reaching out to some people in the community I had convinced them that I was ready and willing to help myself and I ended up going back to rehab when I was 20. This time after halfway through the program I had left knowing that I was completely on my own. I ended up becoming homeless on the streets of LA until I had collected enough money through panhandling and collecting cans that I was able to purchase a flight back to my hometown. I kept getting a few months sober and then relapsing. I've lost many close friends to this disease but that wasn't enough. After being homeless for so long all I wanted was a place to call home so I managed to get an apartment and lived there for 5 years. At 25 I had realised that if I had ever wanted a chance to create a family of my own as well as to live a normal life I would have to make a complete 180 and leave that way of life for good. It was do or die. As expected I had a difficult time getting people to believe that this time I was serious about getting sober. After a month of reaching out I had finally got myself into another rehab in LA. By the grace of God I have managed to stay sober ever since. I ended up meeting someone by the name of Asher Gottesman who is very involved with helping teenagers struggling with addiction. He has taken me under his wings and has provided me with anything I could have asked for and beyond. He has loved me until I was able to love myself and without him I don't know were I would be today. I ended up doing 5 months of treatment and 7 months of sober living and with a lot of hard work I have developed into a productive member of society. Today I have a life well beyond what I had ever imagined when I first made that decision to get sober. I feel it is only right for me to give over what has been given to me. I spend my time giving back to anyone that wants a part of what was so graciously given to me so that hopefully I can provide even it's only a little bit of hope, faith and courage. I am here to tell you that it is possible and that if you want to succeed you will succeed. I have started 2 non profit organisations called Locate the missing and Families Reunited that helps locate runaway teens and provides relief and counseling to there families. They have been very successful with over 60 full time staff that have been responsible in locating over 200 missing people across the world. When I had first heard about the Aleph institute and that there was an opportunity available for me to be able to help other people that are dealing with the very same struggles that i have dealt with I jumped on the opportunity since I can only keep what I have by giving it away. I am especially passionate towards helping anyone that I feel I can relate to on a personal level based  of my experiences.

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